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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Neuromuscular Dentistry Phase II

Hey everyone! I have completed phase I of my NMD treatment, which basically means that my orthotic does not need any more adjustments and I have found my perfect bite! The sad news is that in order to get the proper dental records and molds to move into Phase II they had to take my orthotic away, which I am really sad about because my jaw is KILLING me right now! I'm trying to just stay calm and not aggravate it. Because I live so far away from my dentist, she is having the lab send it directly to me once they get what molds they need.
Also, update on the fact that it broke! A couple pieces of my orthoic broke off. They are going to give me an estimate of how much it will cost to fix it...I can still wear it, but I'm kind of nervous that it could break at any second and then I would be left with nothing! So I will see what it will actually cost, and then either just hold off on fixing it or just get it fixed so that I don't have to send it away EVER again. I really can feel how uncomfortable it is when I don't have it in my mouth, so waiting a week to get it back is close to torture...okay moving on to other things so I don't focus on the pain and muscle spasms...(I've already had stabbing ear pain and it's only been a day...)

Next steps...

So moving on to phase II. I'm really trying to gather what my options are. I will have a consultation in about two weeks to determine what I'd like to do moving forward. Ideally I would get braces and move my real teeth into a new position, rather than getting crowns and worrying about those breaking, etc. However, the time it would take to move all my teeth is pretty long.
My other option is to have crowns put on my lower teeth, which would unfortunately cause an open bite. This could be either left alone (which I really would not be happy with, both aesthetically and functionally) or I could have braces move that together. The combination is appealing because of how much less time it would take to move just my front teeth as oppose to all my teeth.
Lastly, I just wanted to mention what I found online. This is a girl: who looks like she has the same open bite that I will have. She is moving her teeth with lingual braces that are not visible. Because I am 27 years old, I really would rather not have any braces, but I also would like to be happy with my bite for the rest of my life. So in other words it's a very tempting option. I will have to discuss further with my dentist to see if this is something I could move towards...I'm excited that perhaps there is another option other than traditional braces or invisalign (which does not have much success with open bites.)


At October 24, 2013 at 11:16 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

i enjoyed reading your blog! Im having similar issues but i have an overbite that i causing the problem. I would love to email you and talk about this a little more! So do you have to wear the orthotic for the rest of your life? It sounds like whenever you take it out, your jaw starts hurting again!

At October 25, 2013 at 2:09 PM , Blogger Celeste said...

Hey Burgundy! Thanks for reading! I have finished up with the adjustment of the orthotic so now I have found the perfect placement for my jaw/muscles. You're correct, whenever I take out the orthotic, my jaw will go back to where my teeth are and start hurting again. So I have the option to just use the orthotic for the rest of my life and replace it whenever it wears out (which is about once a year). My other two options are 1. I can get restorations to my teeth to replicate the orthotic or 2. Get braces to move all my teeth (which will take a couple years). I think I will do a combination of both because if they restore my back teeth I end up with an open bite. So I'd like to close the open bite with the braces so I can use my front teeth.I don't want to do all braces because of how long that will take! The way my teeth currently are, which is a bad position for my jaw, I have an overbite too! You can email me if you'd have more questions at :) Also, I am waiting to get my molds back so that I can go for a consultation and figure out more details of my options.


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